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Food Humor
A Salute to the Last French Fry in the Bag and Why They Make Me Happy
I love me some fries, rings, and tots
My biggest weakness is my greatest strength. And that is a love for fried potatoes of all kinds, with a clear focus on French Fries.
Eating fries is not the healthiest way to ingest potatoes, and I occasionally overindulge, and that's my weakness. But loving French Fries and restraining myself from overdosing is a sign of commitment and focus, thus my strength.
I got a job many years ago by answering an interview question with my potato analogy. The interviewer was from Belgium, and they take their Fries, as she said 'Frites' seriously over there.
I am not a nutritionist, nor am I associated with the food industry. I am a Senior consumer who works out four days a week, has a full-time job, two college degrees, a gaggle of grandkids, and is in moderately good health.
Fried Foods raises the ire of many Dr's and Dieticians. There is no doubt, deep-fried food in mass quantities as part of a regular diet is terrible. But like eating Ice Cream, an occasional dip is not catastrophic and should be enjoyed guilt-free.
I own two Air Fryers, which I use extensively in cooking for my family. Fresh fruits and…